The day it finally happened – Kansas City Royals are World Champions
In a wonderful stoke of luck, my 10-year-old daughter took a long afternoon nap yesterday. This set things up perfectly to allow her to stay up for all of the (potentially final) World Series game, even though it was a school night. The stage was set last year as we soccer fans caught KC baseball […]

Beefy Man Circuit – WOD
Workout AMRAP 20 minutes 10 Barbell Deadlift @ 85 lbs 10 Barbell Bench Press @ 135 lbs 15 Body Weight Squats 10 Dumbbell Shrugs @ 45 lbs 20 Knee Hug Sit-ups My Numbers 5 full rounds

Pull-up and friends
Workout AMRAP 15 minutes 5 Pull-ups 10 Barbell Bench Press @ 50% body weight 5 Chin-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Bicycle Abs My Numbers Bench: 85 lbs 3 full rounds + 4 pullups

Abs complex and burpees – WOD
Workout For time 10 Knee hug sit-ups 10 Burpees 10 Jack knife sit-ups 10 Burpees 10 Flat Straight Leg Raises 10 Burpees 10 Bicycle Abs (count one side) 10 Burpees 10 Side crunches (each side) 10 Burpees My Time 7:01

WOD 1/7/2014 – Quick Burn Quads Tris
Workout 5 Rounds for Time Body Weight Squats (reps: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) Pushups (reps: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) 40 yard Sprint (or 20 second sprint in place for indoor) Thanks to The WOD Shop for the WOD My Numbers Total Time: 12:50

WOD 1/3/2014 – Press, Press, Hug
Still feeling my legs from yesterday’s workout, but today left the legs alone. I had to make some adjustments to the weight I was using, but the numbers where I settled and finished are below. Workout 5 Barbell Bench Press @ 135 lbs 10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press @ 25 lbs 15 Knee Hug Sit-ups AMRAP […]

WOD 1/2/2014 – modified Crossfit “Cindy”
Getting 2014 started off right! Workout of the Day (WOD) will be a regular part of my posting (though probably not consistently a daily WOD). Join me on these workouts and post your times / numbers in the comments.
Streaming Video Service Comparison Chart
Netflix Hulu Plus Amazon Prime Cost per month $8 $8 $6.67 Cost per year $96 $96 $80 1 Movie Selection Biggest & Best Fewer New Releases & Major Movies Growing Selection of old and new 3 TV Shows (New Season) N/A Included $2/episode~$30/season TV Shows (Old Seasons) Included 2 Included 2 Included 2 3 1 […]
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