Is Google Fiber TV worth paying for?
We’re definitely getting Google Fiber Internet – no doubt about it. Almost anything with a whisper about being better than Time Warner Cable would get us to switch away from them. The big question right now is whether or not to take advantage of the full package: Cable TV & internet – comes with DVR […]

Business Model for TVs Future
Ten years ago the word ‘media’ only meant ‘news media’ to most people. Today many people understand ‘media’ as ‘all the stuff on my computer, phone, tablet and other tech devices.’ This is almost entirely thanks to the ongoing tech revolution that has brought the big screen to our little screens. And it’s not just […]

Sprint HTC Hero – Re-Rooted and Re-Flashed with Apps2SD
Finally took the time to redo what I did wrong the first time around. I realized that I never properly got Apps2sd working. So I was running out of space on my phone and it was getting bogged down a lot because it didn’t have available memory to run smoothly. This was my main source […]

AT&T killing iPhone, helping Sprint and Android
Unless you are not an iPhone user or do not know anyone who is, then you’ve probably heard complaints about AT&T and their iPhone support (or lack there of). Shortly after the iPhone exploded on to the mobile phone scene and changed everything (kudos Apple), it had competitors trying to catch up. It took a […]
How To: Get Un-Followed on Twitter (10 Steps)
1. Tweet anything about “Get more followers” If you advertise “get more followers” you can be sure that you will only get more followers that are just like you – trying to get more followers. There is no substance in that. Case in point: @pyra_bang 2. Tweet links that go to any sort of multi-level […]
Sprint HTC Hero – Rooted (for Screen Capture)
I wanted to do did a blog post and show some of the screens of my new Sprint HTC Hero phone. After a few failed attempts to get a good picture of it using my camera, I decided to look for a way to get a screen capture. I found out that you have to […]

My beloved new HTC Hero smartphone
I’m going to try to keep this page updated a touch… every so often. I wanted to give everyone out there a comprehensive review and breakdown of my HTC Hero. I’ll try to keep it to the point and organized so you can find the information you’re looking for. I welcome any questions you may […]

iPhone, gPhone, Nexus One, Hero, Android, Palm Pre?!
*Edit: New Comparison chart includes Google Nexus One & HTC Hero I’ve long been on the hunt for what my next phone will be. I keep up on my social media, so a decent smart phone was really the only category I was eying. But with all the advances in smart phone technology and offerings […]
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