How To Improve cheap coffee in 5 steps – The Office Mocha
1. Pour your office-grade coffee Be it Folgers, Maxwell House or another entry-level coffee this is your base. The main thing is that it has at least some mild flavor of actual coffee. You’ll see here that I’ve gotten the best part of the office coffee – the bottom of the pot, where you’ll find […]

Why do we write on the internet?
There are billions of things posted, uploaded, updated, reddit‘d, submitted, stumbled, and tweeted all across the interwebs. Today, I want to look at those things that have a bit more substance to them – the “written” things on the internet, if you will. Some write to journal publicly. Maybe just to get things off their […]

Why I will never use Expedia again
I’ve been a big fan of online purchasing for a long time. Year after year, the process just keeps getting better and, perhaps more importantly, easier. Some things make a lot of sense to buy online – computer products, software, non-tailored clothing – you can almost always find much better deals and a much wider […]

Movies you should’ve already seen
UPDATE: This list will be for movies from your college days or before, if you’re my age (ie around 5+ years ago). ** I’ve nixed a few great movies simply because they’re just too recent. I’ll make another list/poll for those. Since the conversation started with Garden State (2004) – that will be the cut […]

A brief wrap up of 5 things people seem to care a lot about
You came to my blog so you’ll get my opinion… and we’ll waste no time getting there. Global warming. True or False? False. To say that the only reason the globe is heating up is because it’s on it’s way down is turning a blind eye to a lot of other very plausible explanations. (I […]

Sprint HTC Hero – Re-Rooted and Re-Flashed with Apps2SD
Finally took the time to redo what I did wrong the first time around. I realized that I never properly got Apps2sd working. So I was running out of space on my phone and it was getting bogged down a lot because it didn’t have available memory to run smoothly. This was my main source […]
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