You came to my blog so you’ll get my opinion… and we’ll waste no time getting there.
Global warming. True or False?
False. To say that the only reason the globe is heating up is because it’s on it’s way down is turning a blind eye to a lot of other very plausible explanations. (I won’t even go into the research that shows the Earth may not be warming up at all, but rather cooling.) What about the idea of cosmic seasons? Perhaps the Earth has ebbs and flows of temperature on a very long cycle. What about natural evolution of the planet? If Earth really did start as Pangea, then why would it have stopped moving now? And why couldn’t water redistribution from the polar ice caps be the force behind the continual reshaping of the landscape of the world?
* I absolutely agree that we need to pollute less, find more sustainable energy now and respect the wildlife of the planet at a level that we do not push extinction on any more species.
Are there aliens on other planets?

Yes. Don’t get all excited. Yes, I think there are other life-forms on other planets. There is plant life, fungi, and even insects of sorts, but I don’t think there are any mammals or humanoid like creatures in the great beyond. But even if there are, well, I’m sure they’re as far away from building a spaceship that could reach us as we are from reaching them. So stop wasting your life taking pictures of lights in the sky. It’s more likely government military testing or satellites.
Speaking of the government…
Did the government have anything to do with 9/11?
Yes, the government was about to lose control and loyalty of all of Americans to the fun loving ways of militant Islam so they had to make the Islamic extremists look bad… NO! Are you serious?! I am sure that plenty of mistakes were made having to do with the preparation and precautions about security, response to news of a possible terrorist threat and plenty of other things. That doesn’t mean that the government DID IT! Jeez. “Where’s the debris from the plane that hit the pentagon? The video looks like a missile!” Ya and that was some real high quality 1 frame per second video you watched on YouTube to make all of your conspiracy theories, wasn’t it?
Travel security got lazy. It had been so long since a real hijack/terrorist threat that we started caring more about fast security and check-in lines than we did about the actual security. And I’m sure plenty of us made complaints about airlines making us take too long in the lines. And so they responded – as any good company would to their customers. The lesson to learn here: Always consider the full ramifications of your actions when fighting for your conveniences.
Is Healthcare Reform a good idea or bad idea?
In the way they’re approaching it… bad. Pay doctors less so that everyone can get poor healthcare. “Hey but everyone is getting healthcare, right?”
I won’t spend much time on this because a lot of the Healthcare Reform is still being battled over in Washington.
Here’s how we SHOULD be reforming healthcare… Government programs and encouragement for Healthy Living. Obesity and the health problems that are related to it are the biggest expense in healthcare today. Just listen to Jamie Oliver.
What should happen to BP?
They are crooks and thieves as bad as Bernie Madoff. The company (at least all of it’s American assets) should be sold and all of the money be put into a fund solely for oil clean up and on-going environmental recovery of the Gulf. Sold to who? QuikTrip, Phillips 66, whoever is currently running their oil business ethically. “Oh but what about the jobs and what about the economic downturn if BP goes under?!” You mean the same economic downturn from when we bailed out all those crooks in the financial sector? Ya, that helped a lot didn’t it? No, people still foreclosed on homes, most of the higher-ups in those companies still got their bonuses and we still are shaky economically… and we’re paying for those bailouts still.
Understand this – the world will change… constantly. Big events like this may be tough, tougher even for some than others, but we will survive. Growing pains are the good kind of pains. We get so scared about losing jobs, but if it’s for the right reasons, then I can’t say that I’m opposed. I mean, is anyone upset that there are no more Blood Letters employed? Is anyone upset that “moat shoveler” or “pyramid building slave” are no longer available jobs? No, of course not. We have moved far beyond those things. What about a day when Oncologists do not have steady work. Will anyone be upset? No, because it means that cancer is a thing of the past. And I hope that we don’t bailout the oil companies when we are on the verge of using sustainable clean energy from some other source.
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