Sprint HTC Hero – Rooted (for Screen Capture)
I wanted to do did a blog post and show some of the screens of my new Sprint HTC Hero phone. After a few failed attempts to get a good picture of it using my camera, I decided to look for a way to get a screen capture. I found out that you have to […]

My beloved new HTC Hero smartphone
I’m going to try to keep this page updated a touch… every so often. I wanted to give everyone out there a comprehensive review and breakdown of my HTC Hero. I’ll try to keep it to the point and organized so you can find the information you’re looking for. I welcome any questions you may […]

iPhone, gPhone, Nexus One, Hero, Android, Palm Pre?!
*Edit: New Comparison chart includes Google Nexus One & HTC Hero I’ve long been on the hunt for what my next phone will be. I keep up on my social media, so a decent smart phone was really the only category I was eying. But with all the advances in smart phone technology and offerings […]
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