There are billions of things posted, uploaded, updated, reddit‘d, submitted, stumbled, and tweeted all across the interwebs. Today, I want to look at those things that have a bit more substance to them – the “written” things on the internet, if you will.
Some write to journal publicly. Maybe just to get things off their chest or express themselves through writing.
Others write to entertain. I haven’t come across a lot of sites dedicated to fictional writings, but I’m sure there are some. When I say “write to entertain”, I’m thinking of the writing on the internet that is in short anecdotal stories that you can read in a few minutes or less (i.e. FML, Dear Blank Please Blank, Texts From Last Night) Sometimes this too can be to get things off their chest, but in a humorous style and about things that people can relate to. One of my favorite forms of this is in the form of comics (i.e. The Oatmeal).
You’ll find a very large community, nay, internet metropolis based around technology. Technology is a broad topic, yes, but it is a part of so many parts of our lives and this is what makes the articles about technology related topics so voluminous. Technology breaks into many different pieces that could also be categorized otherwise – some of the most popular are likely How-To articles and News articles.
You may not think much about the importance of writing. You may think that the last the the world and the internet needs is another article about something that doesn’t matter or that no one cares about. Or you may think that there’s nothing actually worth-while on the internet when it comes to written works. If so, I challenge you to do a search on things that you’ve always wanted to know how to do and tell me if you don’t find a decent answer.
If you know about something or are particularly good at something and ESPECIALLY if you are an expert (or something close to it), please, for the rest of us – write about it! Explain it. Give us enough insight to try it. And then when we’ve tried it and realize how beautiful or difficult or fulfilling it actually is – we’ll love you all the more for it.
If you are not an expert at anything and don’t really do much, well… Keep consuming. Keeping reading. Keep thumbs-upping and thumbs-downing, 1-starring and 5-starring, Liking and Retweeting. And most of all – Keep trying. You’ll get there. And when you do… write about it!
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